It is our acronym for Science, Training, Environment, Arts, and Mentorship.
Our work is based in Science. The programs we offer are evidence based.
We conduct 2 evidence training programs. CPE – Certified Peer Education Training & Mental Health First Aid Training
Our environmental focus is centered around Gardening and growing organic nutrient dense local produce. Composting using sustainable methods to keep food waster out of landfills and reduce our carbon footprint.
WALK’s Environment arm consists of growing organic produce in gardens and farms as well as composting using state of the art techniques. We engage in the entire food system as we grow, process, and distribute healthy produce. Our composting allows us to come full circle and reduce food waste by composting and giving back to the earth in the healthiest manner and reduce or carbon footprint.
The Langdon garden was established in June of 2016 and contains 18 plots growing a wide variety of vegetables from tomatoes, to greens, okra. Its mission is to provides an opportunity for young people in the community to become exposed to gardening. Phronie Jackson and the Ward 5 Coalition is among the plot owners. Dr. Jackson’s team of youth gardener trainees grow produce to benefit Damien Ministries’ food bank. The garden is part of the Langdon Youth & Community Gardening Program, sponsored by DPR.
Compost is organic material that when added to soil enriches it, helps retain moisture, and suppress plant diseases and pests. This reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. It is used to help plants grow. Additionally, composting helps keep more than 28% of what we throw away such as food scraps and yard waste out of landfills, where they take up space and release methane, a potent greenhouse gas. We co-manager the compost at the Burroughs School Garden and conduct composting classes. We are developing our very own compost system.
Projects promote the understanding and sharing of culture competencies and social skills that enhance the awareness, understanding, and respect of all life.
Photography is the art of taking and processing images and is a great way for people of all ages and backgrounds to get into art. It can be done using anything from a paint can, to a cell phone, to a camera. The wide range of options makes photography very accessible. This is important because it allows anyone to use photography to express themself and make their voice heard.
Quilt making utilizes creative tools such as rhythm, storytelling, and design to form textile artworks that can balance between functional and decorative. Quilts are made of an immense variety of textiles and other materials. Quilts simultaneously provide shelter while preserving the artistic traditions and narratives of Gullah, West African, and many other cultures internationally.
We use our platform to nurture and develop individual and organization new to the public, community, and population field.